Most small businesses know that having a website of their own is very important. A website is like having a full time 24/7 salesperson always promoting your brand. Having email sent from your personalized domain is just more professional looking. Your website serves as a place where you can build trust with potential clients and allow them to get to know you a bit and look over what you have to offer in a stress free manner.
Many people realize that being listed in Google is a massive need for local businesses. If you can manage to get yourself in the Google Business directory that’s a great start, and it’s free. But the important step is to create, update and always be adding to your Google Business Profile, the latest version of Google Places. Checking the right boxes and having the right info will make sure you always come up in the top three listings which means you will land on the top of the main page of Google for people searching for your services locally.
Isn’t that what it’s all about? Who cares if Jim or Jane in timbucktwo find your website if you offer a local service. You want eyeballs of those that live in your local area, we can do that for you.
Being listed, more so for free is just not enough, it’s a great start but learning how to tweak and keep yourself in the 3 Pack is what many firms pay thousands of dollars a month for. It means calls, and site visits which translate into money for you.
Many design firms are asking $2500 – $5000 for a site, as a starting point, add in SEO and Google Business Profile work and it can go up dramatically from there.
I can only imagine a lot of that cost is for extras that they want to sell you, regardless of whether you have a business case need for them. I can do a full featured site for 10 to 20% of that, depending on the bells and whistles you want. We will talk about what your objectives are for your site and what you want it to accomplish.
Each site I design is tailor made for YOU. I don’t produce cookie cutter type sites. Whether you need a simple place to show off your work, or a place to educate your current and potential customers or if your need runs to a full fledged e-commerce site, I can get it done, cost effectively and on budget.
Send me an Email or send me your details with my contact form let’s get your automated salesperson made for you.
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